The Ouija board has been used by thousands of people for spirit communication and is very similar to automatic writing, the only difference between the two being the absence of the board itself in automatic writing. Both forms of communication are very dangerous; as are seances, because they are usually uncontrolled forms of communications. In other words, the individuals that use these channels are usually novices and are unaware of the possible dangers that await! A controlled situation would be where a psychic, medium or clairvoyant is present. This way the medium could sense if any dangers are present and close off the communication before any harm was done. The Ouija board is just a piece of compressed wood, sold at virtually all toy stores and occult supply and book stores. Ouija is a combination of two words: "oui" and "ja" which mean "yes" in French and German respectively. The board itself is not dangerous but the form of communication that you are attempting often is. Most often the spirits whom are contacted through the Ouija are those whom reside on "the lower astral plane". These spirits are often very confused and may have died a violent or sudden death; murder, suicide, etc. Therefore, many violent, negative and potentially dangerous conditions are present to those using the board. Often times several spirits will attempt to come through at the same time but the real danger lies when you ask for physical proof of their existence! You might say, "Well, if you're really a spirit, then put out this light or move that object!" What you have just done is simple, you have "opened a doorway" and allowed them to enter into the physical world and future problems can and often do arise. I would strongly advise against the use of the Ouija, automatic writing or seances. If you don't happen to be lucky or unlucky enough (depends on how you look at it) to contact any ghosts, then if nothing else, you could become emotionally attached or dependent on the board's advice. This can be psychologically adverse on the psyche as you will attempt to get more and more information out of the board and you could actually just be using the board as an avenue to the inside of your own mind without realizing it. In other words, you could be asking questions of the board and then your subconscious mind would be using the planchette to answer your own questions! This often happens to those people who use the board by themselves. I believe the following cases are true examples of what could happen to those who continue to use the board or become obsessed or possessed!

Ouija Board's Evil Spell Still Lives in Our House (National Examiner, 31787 by Robert Stamper)

I invited a foul horror into my house with a Ouija board. My brother and I got no results when we started to use the psychic device, but suddenly the message indicator mysteriously began to move. The first thing the board told us was that the message was being sent by Seth. Then I made the tragic mistake of telling the board to prove it was real by doing something supernatural. The results were startling and scary. The board told us that the grandfather of one of my best friends would die in a week. The chandelier in the room began to shake violently and the chimes rang like pieces of metal being smashed together. The room became as cold as ice and we were shivering, though the thermometer read 70 degrees. The horrible stench of death filled the room and we couldn't stop gagging and coughing. Suddenly, the noises stopped and the room was as quiet as a cemetery in the middle of the night. My brother and I looked at each other in terror. We opened the windows to get rid of the stink or rotting flesh and told each other we'd forget the whole thing. But a week later the grandfather of one of my best friends died just as the board has predicted! And from time to time the chandelier would rattle, the room freeze and that awful smell return. I couldn't take it any more. I threw the board away and told my mother about the experience. She told me that once you tamper with a Ouija board, its evil spell will remain forever. And to this day, those terrifying tremors shake the house and the stench of death fills the room.

Ouija Board Summons Demons (The Sun, 12986)

A simple Ouija board became a passport to Hell for a family that accidently summoned a demon into their living room. "I thought it might have been the Devil himself," says John Ravens, father of the tormented family. "When it was over, we were all bleeding and had severe burn marks. Our living room was a disaster area." "It was supposed to be a joke," says Gloria, the girl's mother. "We were going to make believe we were talking with the spirit world." Little Lynda, her nine-year-old brother Ronald, and their parents gathered around the board for what they thought was going to be an evening of fun at their home in a Toronto, Canada suburb. "We were just playing around with it when suddenly the planchette that spells out answers began moving by itself," says John. "We were all scared, but then I thought maybe one of the kids was up to tricks. We started asking questions, and this spirit began speaking to us. "Then it asked if it could visit with us. By this time, I was sure someone was playing a joke, and I said yes," he adds. That's when the nightmare began. "The demon appeared within seconds," says John. "It spun around the room overhead, laughing and cursing at us. "It was surrounded by a ring of fire and the room became so hot, it was like an inferno from Hell." The family describes the demon as red and black with scaly skin and horns. It also had giant bat wings. "Then it suddenly swooped down and attacked us," recalls John, horror flickering over his features. "It started biting each of us on the face and arms. "We tried getting up and running for the door, but every time we did, the creature started clawing us. It was so fast, we couldn't escape from it." Lynda and brother Ronald were picked up repeatedly and hurled across the room. As they lay helplessly on the floor, the creature pounded on their chests and heads. "It had hooves that dug into my children's faces and skin, marking them badly," says Gloria. The attack lasted for more than an hour before the horrifying demon vanished as quickly as it first appeared. The children were screaming and crying as John pulled them out of the house and drove to a nearby hospital, where they were treated for cuts and burns.

Demons Use Ouija Board As Gateway To Take Over Soul (The Sun, 22884) by Lewis Clifford.

Terrifying demons freed from other dimensions are preying on helpless human victims. And the gateway used by the grotesque monsters is being kept open by innocent toying with Ouija boards and other tools of the occult, top medical and religious experts caution. "They are vile creatures of the night," warned Dr. Alberto Gonzalez, of the Pan American Institute of Health. "They exist. They can possess the bodies of their victims and cause normally gentle, nonviolent people to commit outrageous crimes. They can assume other forms some quite ghastly. "And they are among us in many instances solely because of these sinister toys called Ouija boards." Gonzalez, a psychiatrist and parapsychologist, claims he has found demonic links to several cases of cattle mutilation and human vampirism in Central America. Says the Rev. Morris Cerullo, president of World Evangelism and author of The Black Side Of Satan, Creation House, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1973. "Many people have related to me weird tales of answers given by the Ouija board. This and other occult games may seem intriguing, but the implications are serious and not to be tampered with. They can lead to dangerous waters indeed. "Use of a Ouija has even led to violence and even to murder..." Dr. Marta Prohazka of Fairfax, Virginia, is also convinced that spirits can play terrifying destructive games with human behavior. During her practice as psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, she realized that many patients she had considered "hallucinating paranoid schizophrenics" might instead merely be in touch with something invisible to her but visible to them."I came to understand that another plane, or dimension or existence interrelated with our plane or visible manifestation," she said. "By training and expanding consciousness, some individuals gain entrance into that invisible dimension. It seems to some like a window into heaven. "I also learned that contact with the other dimension can be dangerous, especially if a psychically sensitive person loses his emotional harmony. The window into heaven can then become a window into Hell." Millions of the plastic oracles are in use in American households, nevertheless. And the eerie messages from beyond they have spelled out have been credited or blamed for marriages, divorces, sickness, misery, mystery or murder. Psychic and medium Anne Rose told the Sun: "Horrible demons have definitely been released by the Ouija board. "The Ouija board is a vehicle which makes it easy for negative spirits and demonic forces to enter this plane of existence." The Merrillville, Indiana clairvoyant cautioned that evil spirits or demonic forces often gain the trust of people experimenting with Ouija boards by answering several questions truthfully and providing predictions. "Once they have gained the trust of their victims, it is easy for the entity to move in and take over either by strongly influencing that person, or by outright possession," she said. People who are untrained and unsophisticated in the field of the paranormal and supernatural should never play with devices such as the Ouija board, according to the clairvoyant.

Suggested further reading: Ouija: Most Dangerous Game by Stoker Hunt Psychic Summer by Arnold Copper

These are true ghost stories. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. The Ghost Light Of St.Louis


This is not The St.Louis in the U.S. but the one in Saskatchewan. This is a very small town about 30km out of Prince Albert and all the locals seem to know about this ghost light.

My cousin decided to take me out and see this light for myself, I was excited, many people have seen it but no one knows where it comes from. We finally turned off the highway and drove down a gravel road for about 15km then on the shoulder of the gravel road is another road. Now this road is narrow and horrible to drive into, but you can. Tree's are always brushing the car and bumpy as hell not to mention pitch black, so my cousin took me to the spot where he said he saw it last, now I was getting nervous. At first we waited in the car (engine off) and looked out the back window to see if something was coming, nothing so we got out with flashlights in hand and waited. I would say about 5 minutes later a faint light appeared down this road.

Now this road is narrow and is very hilly and bumpy but I could see this light slowly coming towards us. It was like a single headlight and very bright, what this light would do is come up into view and then disappear out of view as if someone was carrying a lantern walking down the road towards us. We both started getting freaked out and ran back to the car and sat there and watched this light get closer and closer, we finally got the hell outta there and drove back into Prince Albert.

From what we know this light has been there for quite some time, we later found out that the road was actually a railroad at one time. Another story we heard was that a man was walking on the tracks along time ago carrying a lamp and was struck by the train and his spirit still walks the tracks at night.

Haunted House in Liverpool


Hello out there my name is Robert, I was born in and grew up in a haunted house, all of the events you are about to read are quite true, though not in any particular order just as I remember them. My parents bought a quite large semi detached house not long before I was born, It was on the market for a very reasonable price which was down to the property being in a very dilapidated state, having been abandoned for some time. The fact that a good quality house had been left to decay in a growing suburban area of Merseyside in the middle of a middle classed street is in it's self odd. But the house soon became habitable with a lot of hard work, though with little assistance from contract labour, delivery men or even other family members. Some just plain refused to go near the place, some turned up made their excuses and quickly left, not one delivery man would cross the threshold, and by all accounts the house did exude menace in it's own suburban way. I should explain that the house was fully furnished, nothing had been looted or even thrown about a bit, all was as it had been. The roof and windows were shot and the rains and weather came in so the furniture had been soaked through, quality furniture abandoned with the house now decayed beyond redemption. My parents as they worked in the house often found the air turn chill and the hairs on their heads raise for no xplainable reason and many items, screwdrivers, pliers etc. seemingly vanished without trace, I think they were mad to have stayed but they did. The furniture had to go, broken up and burned mostly though some of the items were quite grand I'm told they were all beyond repair. One large chest of drawers which had seized solidly shut defied all attempts a being opened had to be dismantled with a lump hammer and crowbar. The drawers when smashed apart contained all of the missing items lost since my parents first took possession, including a still wet and warm window cloth my mother had lost just moments before my father destroyed the chest. Some time later, when the house was habitable I arrived, delivered in the front bedroom nothing too remarkable about that but with my birth returned the ghost. My room was fitted with a baby alarm, so that my parents could listen to me screaming (only kidding, you know what baby alarms are for). For a wile after my birth renewed sounds of heavy footfalls had been heard upstairs and an odour of burning candles was often commented on by isitors though my mum never used them back then. Also the icy patches had come back and now with the baby link in my nursery my parents had a voice. A kind voice of an elderly lady, usually singing "rock of ages", my father tells me it used to freeze him to the spot but my mother would run up the stairs hoping to meet our ghost. She never did, the voice would go as she reached the stairs and all would be as it was before. The voice came regularly, and my Mother inquired with neighbours as a way of ruling out interference from neighbours' televisions and radios, no link could be found with them and the singing voice. I think my parents just got used to it as time went by, people got more relaxed about the house and the feeling of dread about the place went away. The house looked nice and visitors used to treat the stories of haunting with great scepticism, my Nan my Mum's Mother was the greatest sceptic of all, but I feel that her story of all that I have heard from the house remains the best.It was Christmas, I guess 1970 or 71 I was still little more than a baby and both of my Grandmothers were staying over for the festive season. I must have been out of my old nursery room because I know I was supposed to be moved back to the nursery (box room) to make room for the two old ladies. I also know I wouldn't go I was adamant that the box room belonged to "the Lady" and not for anything would my three year old self sleep in there. My Mum's Mother ended up taking the room in my stead, laughing at my parents foolishness for believing all this haunting rubbish. Anyway I don't know how many nights she had stayed but on one of the Christmas nights my Nan had an interesting experience. It must have been fairly late and my Nan was getting undressed in the box bedroom when another old lady joined her in the room. The other lady looked at my Nan and said "hello Amy (my Nan's name) love, I haven't seen you in ever such a long time." My nan fled, can't say I blame her, it's a small room to be cooped up in with someone who you know is dead. It later transpired it had been the previous owner of the house, a woman my Nan had known in the past, a woman who died under quite tragic circumstances in the house. I had a little sister the following year, and things got loud again footsteps and candles but no singing just sounds, clicks on the baby alarm nothing specific just wrong. That was that, things calmed down or seemed to I guess the noises just became normal background noise to us and we just stopped noticing them though visitors still found them disquieting. We were feeling our ghost must be getting used to us, as I grew up and entered junior school I can only remember one incident that was even remotely unusual, and that was a glass vase which decided to move along a window cill and then be flicked onto the floor, something I watched while having my breakfast before leaving for school one day.

It was much later that I saw "The Lady" and I still hardly trust my own senses, but it felt as real as it could be. I was a teenager and my room was in an attic conversion (a new room that was never accessible to the previous owner) reached by a wooden ladder staircase. On this night I was in bed it was fairly late, am rather than pm but I was awake maybe only half awake but aware. Anyway I heard a sound, it was the sound of shuffling feet on carpet it was unmistakable I knew I was not alone in the room. To reach the room you had to climb the bare wood stairs, which creaked and thumped however hard you tried to be quiet, I had not heard anyone climb them. Anyway I summoned the courage to peep from under my bedclothes not expecting to see anything at all, but I was disappointed. In the gloom I could see a woman in a dressing gown standing at the entrance to the room, she was old and she was moving though very slowly into the room. Oddly I was not too terrified though I did not sleep that night, after I popped back under the covers. I never mentioned it to anyone, I often wondered why I would see her in that room as it could not be accessed in the houses past. I did have a theory well two theories, the first was to do with an item of furniture. In my room was the only salvaged item of furniture from the old owner, the lower section of yet another chest of drawers. I wondered if that had been the draw, but I also wondered if she was curious of the new room and just decided to explore I guess I'll never know. About the same time that I saw "the Lady" my father saw her too, he never told anyone either, it was years later that he told me about it. Like me he had been in a semi doze, and he was lying on the sofa in the rear lounge and he was facing what was at the time the doors of a built in cupboard. He says that he was just staring into space relaxed and cosy when an frizzle haired old woman strode out of the cupboard doors and through the end of the sofa he was lay on. He says she was as clear and solid as any person and he was able to give a fairly good description of her. He later visited our elderly neighbours and he told them about the ghost he had seen and he gave his description to them. They were supprised to say the least, my fathers description had been a perfect match of the previous owner. Anyway time strode on the noises had long since vanished the candle odour was a memory and the house was bar one spot a happy house. And the spot on the first landing is now the only place that won't get better. I wondered if it was just me, until last year, I have my own house now which I can only describe as 100% happy I never feel uneasy there. One evening we had a group of friends over and we all started on ghost stories, and a theme arose. Had I started it I could dismiss it but it wasn't me that mentioned it first and I sat back amazed as agreement spread through the room. Of all the places that any of them had been going up my mother's stairs was the worst. None could explain it further than a gut feeling that something they did not want to be any part of was hiding there, so people tend not to linger or look just in case. The first landing is a junction, from there the stairs go straight on and right and to the rear. There is something about that space, you have to check right you don't want to but it's almost a compulsion. Just one last thing, my little sister had a baby six years ago, her and her boyfriend lived at my mothers at the time and her bedroom was one of the two old hot spot haunting rooms. With the new baby came footstep sounds again and something that never registered at first were clicks on the baby alarm, we'd forgotten the ghost. The clicks we began to realise were at the same time every night, 10 after eight and again a little after eleven, after the click the baby would wake every time it wasn't until the family used a baby-sitter one evening that we paid any attention to the clicks as not being anything other than interference. It was my then girlfriend now wifes 21st birthday I arranged a big suprise party at local restaurant, all the family would be there so my sister got her boyfriends mum to come over and look after my niece "Lucy". Jenny the sitter knew very little about us she had only met us a few times she had never heard a thing about our ghost that was for sure. Cutting a long story shortly after a very pleasant evening we returned to my Mothers to find Jenny by the front door, at just after eleven she had heard a sound on the Baby alarm, a click it was followed she says by a womans voice which said "come on come on Lucy love" Jenny was terrified when we got to her the poor woman but we have never heard a peep since, other than the click's which went on for more than a year afterwards. Well that's all I suppose, when I was about 22-23 my mum was telling me some things and she mentioned a scandal involving the old lady who lived in the house, which involved her son leaving the country in a bit of a hurry. She hung herself soon after, I. think I know where. Back To The Top Hauntings at an Ambulance Co. by I work as a dispatcher at Med-Stat ambulance in Erie PA. Since I've worked there I've heard many stories of how the building has been haunted. One paramedic said that she saw a man standing by the main second story picture window by the bed in which she was laying one night. The man stood there with his back toward her, and he just dissolved. People have heard noises and other strange things. I have been up all night in the dispatch office many, many times. I had never experienced anything odd or strange until last month. I was working the midnight to eight shift when about three in the morning I started hearing the door downstairs open and close violently. Then I heard something being thrown around. I ignored it a while, but I heard the noises again so I investigated. I went downstairs opened the door, and turned on the light. Nothing was there, nothing out of place. I looked around for a while and then went back upstairs. As soon as I closed the door to the garage, the door slammed again and adn the rustling started again. I just went back upstairs and tried to ignore it. The noises continued for a while, and then a new sound started. Someone was coming up the stairs next to the dispatch office. I waited for the door to open, but it did not. This time I did not have enough balls to investigate. I just kept on working at my paperwork and tried to ignore it. This happened again and again. About an hour later I decided to sit on the floor and read, and as soon as I hit the floor I heard a distinct breathing. A heavy wispery breathing. At first I thought that it might be the wind, but it definitly was not. It was breathing. Needless to say I got back into my chair. After a few minutes, I went to the bathroom, and when I sat down on the toilet, the doorknob shook violently back and forth. I've been around some strange stuff but this was weird. I never felt a presence persay, but i knew what I experienced was not natural. A ghost?

We May Have a Haunting


We have only lived in this house for 6 weeks and really were enjoying the house.The house is nestled neatly in the woods of Tennessee in Hickman county. However for many reasons we are sick of it by now. To start with the house was built in 1955 with logs from the 1800's which was kind of neat to us it really has a special charm. Across the road there are open cavern wells in the ground that have claimed several cattle over the years, of course we had intentions of filling the wells and have discussed some modernizing. The house sets on 76 acres. Let me explain first of all we are new to the Internet and until a few occurrence's never ever looked at this news group. The very first event was on our first night in this house my wife, myself and 2 little girls were sleeping in the living room on the floor because we hadn't put up our waterbed yet. When our chow chow puppy started barking at about 3: am my wife was awakened, looking at the puppy which was behind her at her head she noticed the puppy looking at the window directly in front of us. my wife looked at the window and seen the shape of a man with his arms folded. She screamed there is a man at our window I jumped up and saw nothing he just vanished without a trace. I went outside no one there. Well she was very sure of what she had seen but the logical thing to do was to dismiss it as a dream. Event #2 While sitting in our home office playing on our computer my wife and I smelled a strange odor like fresh cut grass and ripe bananas. There was also a cold spot under our desk. We looked every where including outside the house and could not find the source of the smell which lasted appx 20 minutes. Event #3 my wife was washing her hair in the shower with the standard head back position when she felt someone tapping her on the neck, she accused me but I was in the other end of the house. event #4 was involving our children they had just been put to bed and dozed off when we heard them crying they were scared oh well they have been known to do that when oday we were going away for a few hours and as we got in the car we heard the chow whining we went back in to investigate we went in the basement and they were running and whining. We stood there and observed and listened for about 5 minutes that is all we could stand there were no dogs or children in the house but we heard a lot of running in all areas of the upstairs it sounded like children running, It continued until we went up the steps. Well we were pretty scared and concerned I went to the kitchen and said to the wife you are my witness I am Turning these lights out and I shouted if any one or thing is here these lights had better remain off. Well upon our return some 4 hrs later it was dark as we came down the road my wife said oh my god the lights are on again I replied no way.. Guess what they were. We left the chows upstairs this time the basement door which we usually dead bolt was open and there was a broken Christmas tree ornament in the middle of the office floor 2 rooms away. Can any one tell us what the Sam hell is going on. Are there any signs of a true haunting here. Where can we find out the signs? Please help, are getting very frustrated. thanks jt anxious to hear what we can do ....

A Family History of Hauntings


My family has a history of paranormal experiences. My maternal grandparents house has what I would call a poultergeist, but I'm not really sure. My grandfather calls it Herbie, and all it seems to do is like to knock on the walls and the doors on occasion. My paternal grandmother lived in coal mining Kentucky for a while (it's where my Dad was born). They even lived in a company town, which I loved to hear about when I was little. But a friend of my grandparents who worked in a mine with my grandfather when there was a cave in. A few weeks after the funeral, the friend knocked on the door. My grandmother answered the door, and fainted when she saw who it was (being a good, southern lady). Later, in a mass sighting I guess, the friend showed up at a church meeting (where most of the town met), dressed in the torn rags he had been dressed in when the cave collapsed.

Also, one of my aunts lived with my grandmother until she died. When she turned the room into her own little library a year or so later, she was reading one night, and she looked up and saw my grandmother sitting in a chair across from her, sewing. She even spoke, says my aunt, saying, "Go on reading, honey."

I am 19 years old, and have lived in three houses since I was about 2. The first house we lived in had a ghost cow. (Don't laugh.) We lived next to a dairy farm, and every once in a while, my parents would see a cow out in the yard. At first, they would think that the cow had gotten loose from the farm, and they would go out to chase it back into the pasture, but it wouldn't be there when they got outside, and they would find no hoof-prints. (Cows leave obvious tracks, in case you don't know.)

We moved when I was about 4, we moved to a house in a subdivision. Here was my real first encounter with a ghost, only I didn't know it at the time. There was a little girl that I played with, but since my mother never saw her, she thought the girl was my imaginary friend. However, she finally saw her one day when Mom was working in the garden, and I was in the back yard playing with the girl. I went in to get something, Mom says. A couple of seconds later, Mom turned around and the girl wasn't there. Thinking that the girl might have gone next door, where they were building another house, she went looking, but never could find her. When I came back out, Mom said the girl had gone home. Mom says she didn't think about it again until three years later, when she saw the same girl, wearing the same clothes she had been wearing when she played with me playing with my little sister. She went out onto the deck to look at the girl. As she came out the door, the girl looked right at my Mom, and Mom says she could see through the girl. Mom called to April (my sister), and when she did, the girl disappeared.

When I was about eleven or twelve, we moved into the house I lived in until I came to school. The first incidence in this house came a couple of days after we had settled in. My Dad, our dog Molly and I were sitting in the basement TV room, watching a baseball game when all our attentions were drawn to something moving past the door in the basement. I didn't know what it was, but I just rememeber it being big and red, but Dad swears it was some lady wearing a white satin gown. Whatever it was, Molly saw it too, and went out into the basement barking. I went out a couple of seconds later, and like the dog, I couldn't find anything or anybody.

Our ghost(s) in that house also likes to move things. Food disappears out of the refridgerator and reappears. One time I had lost my keys, where I knew I had put them on the counter (I was home alone for the weekend.) I looked right at the place where they had been, and they weren't there. Five minutes later, I found them, right where I had just looked. Then there's the cat. The room I sleep in at home used to be my sister's room. She had been begging for a trade for a long time, so I finally digressed and let her have my old room. I thought that it had been because she just wanted the bigger room, but every once in a while, I'll wake up in the middle of the night, look up on the bookcase and see a pair of cat eyes looking at me. I sleep with the door and windows closed, so there's no way for a cat to get in, and no light for the eyes to reflect. Plus, if you're in the house alone, you can every once in a while look up from where you are and find the cat (it's a black cat) sitting somewhere staring at you. I'm sure my sister's seen it (although she won't say anything), and my mother's seen it a couple of times and my dog has even taken off chasing it. (That's the strange thing, we have 3 cats (none black) and the dog doesn't chase any of them.) The final occurrence came this past Christmas Break. My parents and sister had gone to relatives' house for New Years, so I was home alone the night before New Years. It was about two in the morning, and I was in my bedroom reading or watching TV, or both, I don't really remember, but I heard somebody coming up the stairs. Caffeine and fear taking hold of my system, the first thought was burglar. I picked up a baseball bat and stood just hidden inside my room, ready to take the head off an unexpecting bad guy. As soon as it got to the top of the stairs (and the steps came up slowly, like somebody sneaking), I heard something run down the stairs, and I mean run: big heavy steps coming in quick succession. When I heard them coming up the stairs again, I went out into the hall, hidden by the darkness. I couldn't see anything. The steps had stopped when I came out the door, but they started up again. I turned on the light, and the steps stopped, and there was nothing there. It was then I decided I'd had enough of ghosts for that night, so I got in the car and drove around for about eight hours (something hard to do in a small town.) The strangest thing, I'd left my TV, lights, hall lights and stuff on (because the chicken in me had taken over) and I'd just left. However, when I got there, everything was off. That night, I went to a New Year's party and stayed the night at my friend's house, even if I wasn't too drunk to drive.

Even now, when I go home, I get really weird feelings when I'm in a room, especially the basement, alone at night. I guess that's the way things are for my family. So far, I've not seen any other ghosts here at school, although they say there are a couple. If they're here, I'm pretty sure they'll find me somehow.

Gettysburg Ghost


This is an old story. I am a civil war reanactor. The most haunted place in this country is the battlefield of Gettysburg. The story has it of two of my fellow reeanctors near the Wheatfield. It's broad daylight. They are standing there in full period dress with their muskets at hand. Out of the brush comes an old grizzled Union soldier with musket and full battle gear. He stank bad of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide or H2S) A deep cold descended on them in a July heat (thermal energy being transferred from the subjects into mass). He walks up to them and says very clear.."Tough day eh boys?"He hands each of them a paper blackpowder cartridge. They each take the cartridges. Then the old vet disappears. They still had the cartridges. Later examination of them reveals them to be authentic. ie: archaic gunpowder mixture. What is unusual of this sighting is the broad daylight and the physical evidence.Theory: Both reanactors were in full period costume. They became a link on this plane from the plane of the old vet. Turning mass from energy is easier at night when most sightings occur since the energy is localized and dark time is cooler. But the mass is not permanent. I beleive ghosts are a thermodynamic problem among others. Making permanent evidence needs more energy, the heat of a July day. And a more receptive ghost "talking" in this case (so he (it) thinks) to his bros. The period costume of the reeanctors made it easier for the vet to do since he was targeting his (it's) energy to a recognizable target, ie: the reeanactors. Key: focused energy conversion Biological mechanism unknown. I have more ideas since I have been doing this likewise for about20 years...

Animals are ghosts too !


I have a real deep believe in the paranormal. I believe animals like humans can be ghost too. For example if you see a cat run across the street and chase and you are unable to see it you think "Oh well it is pretty fast" but if you did the same with a person you probaly say" Holy ...". One day last year one of of my families old cat fell ill, we soon elected to put her to sleep to help ease her pain. I was soooo upset until that night. I was lying in bed when the cat walked right though the door. She was healthly look'in and much younger looking too, she turned right and headed to my sister room. That mademe feel so much better. When I was little I had a cat I loved so much. Like the prevousy story we put him to sleep and I upset. Starting a few years ago while tring to sleep i would feel a cat on my back I would look back and see no cat but still feel its wieght right where he like to sleep. A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night to the bathroom. In the bathroom there was a cat near the door. We had some strays in our house that night so I thought it was one of them. I was blocking the door way and I reach down to pet it. It dis appeared right in front of my eyes. The odd thing the cat in the first story would always stand there. This incident started my interst in ghosts.

Fire Victims


About three years ago, my wife and I were doing some casual house hunting, knowing we couldn't afford anything right then- but wanting to learn the market fow when we were ready to buy a house. We were in a nice neighborhood when we came across what could be a beautiful two story house- but it was seemingly under construction. The property was a nice size, and the house was about 75% complete (all the walls were there, no interior walls or paint, and the plumbing and electric were in). We called the real estate number to see if we could look around- and the agent said feel free to go in on our own and have a look. There were no doors or fences. My wife and I began to go up towards the house when fear grasped me and I opened the door to the truck back up and sat down. As I looked at the house, I clearly saw, where before there were empty paneless windows, two children and a middle-aged woman leaning out- reaching between windows. I saw fire. It was not crystal clear- but very definately the top of the house was on fire and those people were trapped. I called to my wife to leave immediately- I was so shaken that I had her drive. As we drove away I HEARD screaming. My wife saw nothing but said that as she watched me looking at the house she could definately tell that I saw something. She also said she thought she heard a scream- but wrote it off to a squeeling tire. A few days later, I decided to call my cousin who works in the fire department. I asked if he could get histories on properties from his records- since he worked in the information office. He was able to pull the file on that address- and I told him nothing of what had happened to me. His records indicated that ten years prior that house was badly burned and the family died in the flames. He mentioned that it probably wouldn't be a good investment. To this day I have avoided driving past that house again.